الأربعاء، 30 أبريل 2008

simple tips for a long healthy life

  1. don't eat bread you just toasted
  2. leave a good distance between you and your cell phone charger
  3. drink a lot of water during the day but less at night
  4. don't drink coffee twice a day
  5. cook with little oil
  6. best times to sleep is between 10pm and 6 am
  7. don't eat heavy meals after 5pm
  8. don't take pills with cold water
  9. don't go right to bed after taking medication
  10. sleeping for less than 8 hours a day can damage your brain
  11. people who take naps age late
  12. if you cant jog in the morning best chance is between 5 and 8 pm
  13. don't talk on your mobile phone on empty batteries, radiation is a thousand times more than usual
  14. answer your cell phone with the left ear, your brain is less vulnerable on that side
  15. dont use head phones often
  16. give your ear a rest every hour

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