الأربعاء، 30 أبريل 2008

إختبر شجــــاعتك مــــره أخرى !؟هل ستركب مثل هذه اللعبه؟!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

هي باختصار لعبه ملاهي . بس مش اي لعبه شوف الصور و خد فكره

عادي خالص لغايه دلوقت مش كده؟
بص بقى الحته دي

و تتعلق كده زي فراخ الجمعيه

ها بقى ايه رايك؟
داخل الدور اللي جاي؟

are you brave enough to use this bathroom?

A restroom made of 2 way mirror glass

in the middle of a public square

this is what it looks like from the inside

from the outside

no one will see you.... but the questions is

do you have the courage to use it

simple tips for a long healthy life

  1. don't eat bread you just toasted
  2. leave a good distance between you and your cell phone charger
  3. drink a lot of water during the day but less at night
  4. don't drink coffee twice a day
  5. cook with little oil
  6. best times to sleep is between 10pm and 6 am
  7. don't eat heavy meals after 5pm
  8. don't take pills with cold water
  9. don't go right to bed after taking medication
  10. sleeping for less than 8 hours a day can damage your brain
  11. people who take naps age late
  12. if you cant jog in the morning best chance is between 5 and 8 pm
  13. don't talk on your mobile phone on empty batteries, radiation is a thousand times more than usual
  14. answer your cell phone with the left ear, your brain is less vulnerable on that side
  15. dont use head phones often
  16. give your ear a rest every hour

نصائح هامه لو اتبعتها تعيش بصحه جيده

·لا تأكل خبزًا محمصًا للتو.

·ابتعد مسافة كافية عن شاحن الجوال.

·اشرب كميات كبيرة من الماء صباحًا وأقل ليلا.

·لا تشرب قهوة مرتين في اليوم.

·قلل من مقدار الطعام المطبوخ بالزيت.

·أفضل أوقات النوم من 10 مساءً حتى 6 صباحًا.

·لا تأكل وجبات ثقيلة بعد الساعه 5 مساءً.

·لا تأخذ حبوب الدواء مع ماء بارد.

·لا تستلقي مباشرة بعد أخذك دواء قبل النوم.

·نوم أقل من 8 ساعات يؤثر على صحتك.

·الأشخاص المعتادون على أخذ قيلولة لن يشيخوا بسهولة.

·اذا لم تستطع الجري المبكر كل صباح, أفضل وقت بعدها هو من 5 مساء حتى 8 مساء.

·إذا انخفضت بطارية جوالك لآخر برج, لا تقم بالرد على هاتفك..مقدار التردد يكون أكثر بألف مرة.

·أجب الهاتف بالأذن اليسرى, ستأثر على دماغك مباشرة إذا أجبت بالأذن اليمنى.

·لا تستخدم سماعات الرأس أو الأذن لفترات طويلة.

·أرح أذنك كل ساعة.

الثلاثاء، 29 أبريل 2008

كيف تحفظ نفسك من سرقه شبشبك من أمام الجامع

بلدينا راح الجامع يصلى
خاف على الشبشب تخيلوا عمل ايه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟








اختبر شجـــــــــاعتك !!!هل ستدخل مثل هذا الحمام ؟!!

حمام معمول بالكامل من الزجاج الفاميه

في وسط ميدان عام

دي صورته من الداخل

و دي من الخارج

هو محدش هيشوفك بس تفتكر هيجيلك قلب تستخدمه؟

The Dream Of My Life

One day, I was fed up with my life in Egypt, pollution is everywhere. I went out of my work
Almost choking by the gases that are going out of the cars, I try to walk in the street, my feet
Get dirty because of the garbage that has been lift over for ages. Also there was a person
Who was burning them and producing a massive amount of carbon dioxide which made me
Really choking. At this day I was so angry, how can a country with such a grate ancient
Civilization be very missy and polluted. I went to my house and slept with all my anger in my
After quite a while I do not know how much I opened my eyes with a very strange feeling in
My lungs, I realized suddenly that the air I was breathing, actually smelled nice instead of the
Smell of gases, I thought it was only my flat. Then I dressed up and went to the street, I
Felt so good because there was no longer noise anywhere. I went out of my mind, what
Happened in Egypt? Why isn't it noisy any more? Then I went to a person and asked him, what
Is going on, why isn't any noise coming out of the traffic? He answered my in an aggressive
Way: shshshooo… Lower you voice, don't you know that there is a new low was made be the
State for reducing noise, if you don't follow it young man, you will have to pay 300 Egyptian
Pounds. To tell the truth, I felt so happy and I said to my self: it is good that they controlled
The noise problem, but what about the other ones?
I walked along the road going to my work, and then I saw the same person who was burning
The garbage in the street, but this time he was not burning anything, I felt curious to ask him:
Why aren't you burning garbage any longer? He answered me back: because I do not need to,
Before I used to find loads of garbage in front of my house, but now the car comes every day
To clean up the streets, also there is a big punishment for anybody who throws away garbage
In the street.
Then I went to my work, which was a chemical spray factory. I was impressed that I did not
Find any pollutants thrown into the river, no harmful gases are produced. This time I became
Absolutely nuts, I went to my boss and asked him: boss why isn't there any industrial waste
Going out of our factory. He answered me in anger: after the new low that the government
Had made, we have to make a new system for cleaning up our wastes, I went on jumping
I was very happy I was jumping as hard as I could; it is so good to find my country out of all
These pollution problems. While I was jumping, I suddenly fell. At the same moment as I fell, I
Opened my eyes and I realized that I fell out of my bed, also I realized that it was a dream,
But a nice dream I wish it will come true.

Mohamed Shaheen

الأحد، 27 أبريل 2008

اختبر شجـــــاعتك 3 هل ستفعل مثل هذا الرجل؟

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الراجل ده قاعد منسجم خالص و تقريبا مش شايف ان الصخره

موزونه بالعافيه

هي الصخره مش هاتقع بس تفتكر ممكن تعمل زيه؟

عايز بوسه !!!

مرة واحد بيوصل خطيبته لبيت اهلها

المهم اول ما وصلو راح عمك ده راكن على الحيطة ادام باب العمارة وقالها :

- عايز بوسة كبييييييييييييييرة وانا امشى ..

البنت قالتله : لا عيب بابا يزعل .

خطيبها قالها : ليه هو ابوكى شايفنا دلوقتى ؟

قالتله بدلع : لا .. بس فى جيران ممكن يشوفونا ويقولو لبابا .

قالها : منا مش ماشى الا لما اخد البوسة بتاعتى .

المهم فضلو على كده كتير .. هو ساند على الحيطة مش عايز يعديها .. وهى تقلانة عليه مش عايزة تديله البوسة

شوية كده وبنت صغيرة نزلت من العمارة .. طلعت الأخت الصغيرة لخطيبة الواد

فتحت باب العمارة وقالت للولد :

- ازيك يا عمو ... بابا بيسلم عليك وبيقولك لو هى مش راضية تبوسك انا ابوسك

لو مش عاجبك انا ممكن اختى التانية تبوسك

لو مش عاجبك اختى التانية ممكن ماما تبوسك

ولو مش عجباك ماما ممكن بابا نفسه يبوسك

بس علشان خاطرى اوعى كتفك من على جهاز الانتركم علشان العمارة كلها سمعتك يابن المفضوحة

الخميس، 24 أبريل 2008

After the Rain has Fallen........

As I was glazing through the desert some day, the first thing I came across of course was the sand,
It looks very even on the surface very solid and soft at the same time, but it was very hard to walk on it or may I say in it. As I grew tired and exhausted I looked ahead to see my bath, I found none, to see where I'm going but all I saw was miles and miles of endless sand.
You do not seem to know where you are going and you think you will fall on your face dead tired at any second, but you don't, you just keep on walking breathing in and out hoping you find comfort and rest along the way or may be you wish for that journey to end with all its beauty and despair. Somehow I thought that journey was nothing more than my life.
Thirsty, hungry, and burnt by the sun I searched for water, it doesn't seem to be anywhere, how about those little plants? How do they find water? They all drink, they all survive, they all know how, except me, I felt venerable, and I felt insecure.
What about that big long cactus? It looks very moist and cool, I bet if I hold it, I'll manage to squeeze the water out of it somehow, I tried to hold it I felt like hugging it actually for its cool temperature but every time I touch I get hurt by its thorns, like jealousy, every time you try to carrase it hurts you, and the more you try to, the more you get hurt only to realize after going through lots of pain that was not as cool and moist as I thought and it
Only had few drops of juice to offer me, not enough to redeem my thirst. It made me wish I didn't go there.
I sat down to rest from that painful experience reflecting on what happened, what I did wrong. Instead I noticed traces on the sand, they look like footsteps of a little animal, and I followed it to see it was a lizard. Running very fast to avoid being burnt by the hot sand, running between the bushes hiding from the sun,
Feeding on insects. I though to myself, man what a life! To be running afraid all your life, feeding on the misery of others, I thought then I heard a voice replying: hey buddy, I do what I have to do to survive even if it means feeding on little weak beings, we all run around in our deserts scared and doing whatever we need to do to survive even if it means hurting others. I looked to where the lizard was I saw it running away in a hurry.
Amazed by what the lizard has told me I continued my journey into the unknown, but I couldn't help thinking... life doesn't have to be that way, there must be a way we can survive without contaminating the integrity of others, but how? Its the only way that makes sense in our time,''eat or be eaten'' ''I'm not taking the blame for this'' how many times do we hear or use these phrases? Pretty damn much
I was sad and down by that fact but still I kept on walking until I saw a palm tree, I smiled, may be things don't have to be like the lizard said after all, here I have an example of the opposite;
A palm that long in 10 to 15 years old, they grow very slowly patiently until it reaches maturity and produces the sweetest fruit on earth ''dates''. So things don't have to be the lizard's way when life is tough,
The palm has proven me that out of the harshest conditions can emerge the sweetest things as long as we r patient and stand tall, meanwhile the lizard is going to eat bugs running scared all its life, so! Yes we have a choice and we also have to bare the consequences of that choice.
My journey reached the middle of it when I got hold of a constant base of walking and balancing in an arithmetic manner, it now became a habit. Looking up the hill in front of me I saw big black balls rolling downhill heading my way, as they rolled down speeding the picture clearer to me, these are not balls, they are the desert weeds or they are called sometimes, the traveler.
Believe it or not these are actually weed rolled up in the shape of a ball to travel with the wind everywhere, hopefully where water and food are, wait a minute, food? Water? Hey I'm a traveler and I have no routes I'm freeeeee, I said that as I started running like a mad man, I must be going out of my mind but it feels great, water and food here I come, freedooooom. So I ran with the traveler shifting left and right with the wind. Man i must running for ages; I'm extremely tired and dehydrated
I used up all my energy, I'm far away from my original course and still there's no water or food, I fell down on my knees in disappointment and realized that it was a big mistake to run away from the course of my journey feel exactly like the traveler now, I have no routes and I belong no where, this is the first time I felt alone in my entire journey. Now I cant see anything I can barely crawl I cant help thinking that I'm not gona be abler to complete my journey and I missed out on a lot of things in my original bath.
But I kept on moving somehow I was not about to give up the rest of my life because of one mistake. After sometime I saw water on the horizon, oh yes, its water I summoned the little energy I had left in me and ran to where I saw the water but nothing, the water is still so far, and the more I walked towards it, the further it from me, its magical water, false hope, it was a mirage.
I remember lying on my back at that moment thinking it was false hope that got me in the end, specially when I needed it the most, I'm so tired, I see vultures hovering in the shy, I think I'm going to die now.
Suddenly the vultures flew away and clouds began forming in the sky, yes rain, a lot of rain, enough to make a lake on where I was lying down so all I had to do to drink is to open my mouth, and I did, I took advantage of the opportunity I was given from heaven, just when I thought I was dying, I get a second chance, it looks like I'm gona reach my destination after all.
It kept on raining and I kept on dancing about in the rain until it stopped, and I stopped dancing to and began my journey once again I'm happily walking now, I'm all charged now, with water and food. Far ahead I found an oasis, it must have formed after the rain has fallen. The oasis looked very beautiful, its no like anything I've seen before, it seems like she was dragging me to her like a fool, like she was my lover opening her arms waiting for me invited me in. the journey can wait now I have to be with her now and I'll be on my way very soon,
But I was wrong once again, she fed me, shed me sheltered me through hard times, supported my life, gave me happiness. I couldn't leave if I even wanted to, so I stayed with my beloved,,,, oasis
Looking back I saw what the rain has done, the sand was not too hot anymore, and the plants were green and they bloomed with beautiful flowers, the lizard finally went out of the shade because it was not hot anymore outside, the cactus was greener than ever before and it had baby cactuses all around it, the palm also had its share of productivity it beard a lot of sweet dates. The traveler settled down somewhere, who would have figured? Also there are green leafs blooming all over its weed, as for the mirage, ha, its all gone and I don't think it ever return.
With a big smile on my face I thought, oh man all this beauty is because of the rain I'm grateful it rained.
Lying on my back leaning to a palm tree I asked myself, how about my destination? Where was I going? Then I realized there was no destination, it was all about the journey and how I've lived it.
I'm contempt then I rolled over.... and..... I died... after the rain has fallen.

Mohamed shaheen
A. K. A.

الأحد، 20 أبريل 2008