تشاندا لي
'World's Smartest Dog'®
Born January 1st 1994, in Echo Bay, Canada, Chanda was a Champagne Toy Poodle who caught the attention of the Local, National and International Press.
A Guinness record holder, at the age of five, for 'MOST TRICKS PERFORMED BY A DOG', Chanda was the only dog, past or present, to be responding to well over 1000 hand and verbal commands.
هذه الكلبه من نوع الكنيش ذات اللون الوردي تستطيع عمل 469 امر او حركه مفتعله فهي تستطيع ان
تعزف على البيانو و احضار منديل ورقي عندما تعطس صاحبتها و حتى انها تستطيع ان تفك العقد المربوطه في
رباط الاحذيه ببراعه تامه و تعتبرها صاحبتها الحيوان الاليف المثالي اذ انها تجمع العابها بعد الانتهاء من اللعب بهم
تعزف على البيانو و احضار منديل ورقي عندما تعطس صاحبتها و حتى انها تستطيع ان تفك العقد المربوطه في
رباط الاحذيه ببراعه تامه و تعتبرها صاحبتها الحيوان الاليف المثالي اذ انها تجمع العابها بعد الانتهاء من اللعب بهم
تعيش تشاندا في اونتاريو كندا مع صاحبتها شارون روبنسون (مدرسه تزين شعر متقاعده).
At seven and a half weeks of age Chanda went to live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, where she resided until her death in June 2006.
Like any new baby, Chanda learned to crawl, to stand, to walk, and yes, was even potty trained. From those simple commands as a puppy, to her final day, it was an on-going learning experience for dog and master. It was this experience that shaped the destiny of
the little dog that had come to be known as The World's Smartest Dog®.
ظهرت تشاندا في التليفزيون مرات عديده و حتى انها ادت عروضها في 500 مكان مختلف في امريكا الشماليه و
هي الان تشترك في العرض التليفزيوني American Fido للبحث عن احسن كلب في امريكا
هي الان تشترك في العرض التليفزيوني American Fido للبحث عن احسن كلب في امريكا
Chanda entertained in schools, churches, nursing homes and hospitals, brightening up the lives of the people she touched, with her big smile, her 'attitude' and a high energy level that kept audiences amused for over an hour. This was and is the type of entertainment that excites and delights every generation.
Staying focused and responding to so many commands was truly incredible, but her uncanny ability to make people laugh was a unique ministry that was nothing short of phenomenal.
Chanda appeared on television and radio shows around the world...had been written about in newspapers, books and magazines. Chanda received numerous awards, letters, e-mails and phone calls from around the World. Notably: HRH Queen Elizabeth, former U.S. First Lady Barbara Bush, the Prime Minister of Canada, Florence Henderson (THE BRADY BUNCH). Chanda even received a phone call, one Sunday morning, from the Royal Palace in Amman, Jordan.
و يمكن زياره موقعها على العنوان التالي و مشاهده مقاطع من فيلمها الجديد على العنوان التالي
and theres much more on her website
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